Our wellness team recently launched a thirty day group challenge involving three categories – Lean-Up, Power-Up, and Heart-Up. Most participants chose one category, some chose two, while only a few chose all three. Each category had an underlying foundation based upon the latest scientific research. However, each participant received tailored tips to help customize their challenge, as the overall objective was to promote personal progress. Ultimately, those who created the most change, won the category, and prizes too! We were astonished to see so many participants pushing past barriers and making new strides. So, we declared runner-up winners, as well. In the end, the challenge was a healthy competition and most moved forward.
The primary goal in the Lean-up was to decrease body fat percentage while maintaining or gaining lean mass. This was the most challenging of the three categories because it invariably identified issues. This can be sensitive and even emotional as it reveals areas of struggle relating to stress in our lives, and our coping mechanisms. Our Mindset Coach consulted with those who purposed to make a better breakthrough. It is significant to explore new avenues and to be open-minded. A positive and noncritical conversation can turn attitudes around in the right direction. Always, it is imperative to be gracious with oneself, remembering that as humans we are intricately interwoven within our mind, body, and soul.
The initial stats necessary for the Lean-up category involved bio-impedance readings, body round index measurements, and BMI calculations.
Our consultants offered convenient conversations in a collective effort to surround the participants with support because each category conjured up challenges. We all have barriers, some are known, unseen, or perhaps mistakenly perceived. To seek insight in these matters may seem unusual, and yet to do so may uniquely enhance your health and wellbeing. For example, some Lean-up and Heart-up participants connected with our Nutrition Specialist and our Rebounder & Cardio Consultant particularity to pursuit ideal lifestyle habits and to obtain personalized cardio-respiratory recommendations. Personal lifestyle, time-constraints, and pertinent health history information were discussed. Oftentimes, minor shifts or stategic suggestions are all that is needed to secure success.
The Power-up category was an isometric physical pose or prescribed movement designed to produce more power within each individual core structure. In the initial assessment, we determined how best to benefit their bodies and/or particular sport. Pose variations honored spines and joints and thus created an environment suitable for success. To monitor progress, we documented endurance and proper technique as a perimeter for the challenge. Participants checked-in periodically throughout the thirty days utilizing quick remote consults or by submitting stats and videos from their devices. Some requested upgrades while others encountered mild strains and required anatomic adjustments and recovery recommendations.
The Heart-up category was full of pumped-up fun as we programmed cardio-respiratory routines with favored playlists for each individual. Many opted for Rebounding or Reformer jump-board. Our cardio consultant created custom videos for our clients to adhere to in their independent training time. Some stuck to their own walk or running regimes to get a head-start on 5K or marathon training. Others sought to improve overall health by increasing HDL lipids, and by decreasing LDL or hypertension. Know this, to merely move more is a good primary focus because being sedentary is a real risk factor in the development of disease.
The initial stats necessary for the Heart-up category involved resting, active, and recovery heart-rate readings, perceived excursion, and blood pressure monitoring.
The final test-out took approximately 15 minutes and was booked only upon request. These assessments took place either in-studio, in-home, or via virtual. We noticed that a few participants decided not to test-out. Most likely, barriers such as extreme travel, physical or emotional strain, and life obligations crept in and squelched momentum, unfortunate, yet to be expected.
Therefore, we encouraged everyone to simply start over again, and to continue along their way to keep moving on up.
Life has its own challenges and stressors. We additionally assist in your wellbeing by offering Intuitive Healing and Specialized Reflexology by highly experienced specialists on our wellness team. Each consultant offers expertise in-person and remotely.
Perhaps you’re interested in a custom program for yourself, a group of friends, or for your employees. The best time is now, start before you are ready. We’re here to move and challenge you!